Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Memory Lane

I'm back at home in our beautiful Washington State. It has been a rainy week, just like the week when I left for the Azores. It is quiet and peaceful and I'm not at work so I have a moment to reflect on the marvelous memories of our trip.

I already miss my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Tia Alice and Tio Elmiro were so gracious letting us stay in their home. Alice is an awesome cook. She is the best! I am not a seafood person, as a matter of fact I've never cared for it. Getting me to try the seafood and actually having it taste good had to come from experience. Elmiro with his sense of humor always made me laugh and put a smile on my face. It has been a long time since I laughed that hard. Thank you so much. I love you both.

It was a pleasure meeting my Tia Ana and Tio Jose. After all these years of writing and sending Christmas cards and photos to each other I finally got to meet them. I will miss you. I miss your dog Sasha, too. I love you both.

Tio Armando was wonderful to us. He called me and my sisters the tres Maria's. (Maria uma, Maria duas, and Maria tres). He made my trip most memorable. He took us everywhere. When I now get up in the morning I reflect on his voice saying, "Where do you want to go?" Again, after all these years of writing and sending pictures I finally got to meet my Tio. The charm my Tio gave to me that says "Rcao De Tio" (remember your uncle) means the world to me. I was saddened a couple of times when I thought I had lost the charm; once when I misplaced it and once when my bracelet fell off my wrist. It is home now and safe until I get a better bracelet. Thank you my Tio! I will never forget you. I love you.

Our last day on the Praia we gathered together at one of our favorite places to have cervejas, vinho, cafe, and just to talk. Later that evening we all took a drive to Serra do Facho, a site overlooking the entire Praia. As I looked over the town tears streamed down my face. I will miss the white houses with the red tile roofs, the beautiful sandy ocean beach, and the cobblestone streets my feet walked on many times. I will also miss the fresh air, the plants and trees, the rows of hydrangea flowers, and the waves crashing against the lava rocks in Porto Martins. I will miss the "slow and easy" pace of the people. I will miss the hugs and Portuguese kisses. I will surely miss our island of Terceira. I don't know when or if I will ever make it back to the island but these memories will remain treasures in my heart forever. Thank you Lord for making this trip possible.

After saying good-bye to the family in Terceira we took SATA Airlines to the east coast to visit our cousins in Connecticut. It has been fourteen years since I have seen any of the DeCastro cousins. We are now on the third generation of cousins. The three days with all the cousins were great. We gathered for meals and told stories, reminiscing about my Tia Leontina and Tia Inez. These stories brought laughter and tears to our souls. We shopped at the Portuguese grocery stores in Fall River, Massachusetts with my cousin Maria Bela. Maria Bela taught me how to make alcatra, a beef Portuguese dish that I plan to make for my family. I think they will like it. The alcatra was delicious. Thank you so much cousins for your hospitality. Thank you Durval and Maria ( Paul, Steven, Mark, Karen ) for the stay in your home. Thanks to Maria Bela and Tia Conceicao. Thanks to Balbino and Clotilde ( Philip) for the awesome breakfast. Thanks to David and Nelia ( David, Christina), Herminio and Linda (Michelle), Manny and Kim ( Adriano, Christian) for your visit. Many thanks to the spouses and little cousins too. Thank you all for everything and for your generosity. Thanks for the memories. I love you all and hope to see you again some day.


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