Monday, August 13, 2007

Final Days

Today early in the morning we just visited around the breakfast table and talked. My Tia (aunt) Ana and Tio (Uncle) Jose arrived yesterday and I met them for the first time. Later this afternoon we went back to the town of Angra to do more shopping. My other Tio (Uncle Armando) bought my sisters and I a gift. It was a gold charm that said Remember your Uncle in Portuguese. My uncle Armando has been great! He has been doing most of the driving, showing us all around the Island. He is my Mom’s baby brother but he is more our age than my Mom’s age. We have had a lot of fun with him.

This evening we went into Praia again (my Mom’s home town) and watched the children’s parade. Their parades are somewhat humorous because when a group goes by (for example a musical band, dancing, or whatever) it takes about twenty minutes each time for a new group to begin. There is a lot of waiting. My sister Lisa and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Tomorrow we are going to watch another bull fight. This time the people let the bulls run on the street and those who want to participate will let the bulls chase them. I’m going to watch in my Aunt’s friend’s back yard that has high walls. I would never participate in something like that. These bulls are not speared like the fights at the arena, but they are still angry bulls. After a bull fight at the arena, they use those bulls (after they heal and get better) for the fights on the street. A bull is only allowed to fight in the arena once, then they use the bulls for street and beach fights. Sunday August 12th we will see the bull fight at the beach in Praia.

I hope everyone is doing well at home. Our vacation is almost ending and I am very sad to leave. I have had so much fun! Even if I don’t make it over here again I will have many fond memories to treasure in my heart, and many pictures to look back on. A lot of my relatives live in Cambridge, Ontario Canada and come here to the Azores for the summer. If for some reason I can’t make it back to the Azores I will try to make a trip to see my Tio and Tia in Canada.

August 13. Today was the sunniest and most beautiful day since we arrived. My sisters and my brother went swimming today because today is our last day on the praia. Right now we are all gathered together on the praia to say our final good-byes. Tomorrow we will be leaving for Boston.

Boa Noite (good night)


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