Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Island Fun

August 6th

Today (Monday) we decided to go for a sight-seeing trip as we drove around the island. We stopped at this one swim area in the town of Biscoitos that has small pools of water that were formed by volcanic rocks. It was a really neat swim area but I didn’t have my swim suit with me so I couldn’t go swimming. Instead I put my legs in the water to cool off but that was about it. I’m hoping that on another nice day we can go back and swim.

After looking at all the swim holes we decided to go see the “Algar do Carvao” which is a volcanic pit that is in the center of Terceira Island at around 550m above sea level. We climbed many stairs to the bottom of the volcanic pit. At the bottom of the pit is a small lake. Many plants such as Azorean heather, Azorean holly, and fern are quite common in the pit. Also it is very wet inside the pit. It is very misty and cold. It was such a hot day that the mist felt really good.

August 7th

Today was colder and cloudy so we did not go swimming. Darn! We will have to go another day. Instead tonight we went to see the bull fight at the arena in the town of Angra. The fights were performed by the matadors Joao Salgueiro and Ivan Garcia. In Portugal they do not kill the bulls. They just spear them and make them really angry. There were some parts that were hard for me to watch. There was some blood that creeped me out. But at least I wanted to say “Been there, done that.” I probably will not see another one.

August 8th

I finally went swimming in the lava swimming holes in Biscoitos. It was rainy but I was determined to go swimming anyway (see my picture above).

My family and I are having too much fun! I’m learning a little Portuguese. My relatives laugh at me because my pronunciation is not very good. Oh well, I’m trying. I can’t believe we have been here for over a week already. It’s hard for me to think that I will have to leave soon. I definitely want to come back. I’m hoping next time my husband and daughter will come with me. I think David will like it. It’s not quite like Hawaii, not as hot but it is warm and we have had very little rain for this time of the year.

Ate amanha (until tomorrow),


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