Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Memory Lane

I'm back at home in our beautiful Washington State. It has been a rainy week, just like the week when I left for the Azores. It is quiet and peaceful and I'm not at work so I have a moment to reflect on the marvelous memories of our trip.

I already miss my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Tia Alice and Tio Elmiro were so gracious letting us stay in their home. Alice is an awesome cook. She is the best! I am not a seafood person, as a matter of fact I've never cared for it. Getting me to try the seafood and actually having it taste good had to come from experience. Elmiro with his sense of humor always made me laugh and put a smile on my face. It has been a long time since I laughed that hard. Thank you so much. I love you both.

It was a pleasure meeting my Tia Ana and Tio Jose. After all these years of writing and sending Christmas cards and photos to each other I finally got to meet them. I will miss you. I miss your dog Sasha, too. I love you both.

Tio Armando was wonderful to us. He called me and my sisters the tres Maria's. (Maria uma, Maria duas, and Maria tres). He made my trip most memorable. He took us everywhere. When I now get up in the morning I reflect on his voice saying, "Where do you want to go?" Again, after all these years of writing and sending pictures I finally got to meet my Tio. The charm my Tio gave to me that says "Rcao De Tio" (remember your uncle) means the world to me. I was saddened a couple of times when I thought I had lost the charm; once when I misplaced it and once when my bracelet fell off my wrist. It is home now and safe until I get a better bracelet. Thank you my Tio! I will never forget you. I love you.

Our last day on the Praia we gathered together at one of our favorite places to have cervejas, vinho, cafe, and just to talk. Later that evening we all took a drive to Serra do Facho, a site overlooking the entire Praia. As I looked over the town tears streamed down my face. I will miss the white houses with the red tile roofs, the beautiful sandy ocean beach, and the cobblestone streets my feet walked on many times. I will also miss the fresh air, the plants and trees, the rows of hydrangea flowers, and the waves crashing against the lava rocks in Porto Martins. I will miss the "slow and easy" pace of the people. I will miss the hugs and Portuguese kisses. I will surely miss our island of Terceira. I don't know when or if I will ever make it back to the island but these memories will remain treasures in my heart forever. Thank you Lord for making this trip possible.

After saying good-bye to the family in Terceira we took SATA Airlines to the east coast to visit our cousins in Connecticut. It has been fourteen years since I have seen any of the DeCastro cousins. We are now on the third generation of cousins. The three days with all the cousins were great. We gathered for meals and told stories, reminiscing about my Tia Leontina and Tia Inez. These stories brought laughter and tears to our souls. We shopped at the Portuguese grocery stores in Fall River, Massachusetts with my cousin Maria Bela. Maria Bela taught me how to make alcatra, a beef Portuguese dish that I plan to make for my family. I think they will like it. The alcatra was delicious. Thank you so much cousins for your hospitality. Thank you Durval and Maria ( Paul, Steven, Mark, Karen ) for the stay in your home. Thanks to Maria Bela and Tia Conceicao. Thanks to Balbino and Clotilde ( Philip) for the awesome breakfast. Thanks to David and Nelia ( David, Christina), Herminio and Linda (Michelle), Manny and Kim ( Adriano, Christian) for your visit. Many thanks to the spouses and little cousins too. Thank you all for everything and for your generosity. Thanks for the memories. I love you all and hope to see you again some day.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Final Days

Today early in the morning we just visited around the breakfast table and talked. My Tia (aunt) Ana and Tio (Uncle) Jose arrived yesterday and I met them for the first time. Later this afternoon we went back to the town of Angra to do more shopping. My other Tio (Uncle Armando) bought my sisters and I a gift. It was a gold charm that said Remember your Uncle in Portuguese. My uncle Armando has been great! He has been doing most of the driving, showing us all around the Island. He is my Mom’s baby brother but he is more our age than my Mom’s age. We have had a lot of fun with him.

This evening we went into Praia again (my Mom’s home town) and watched the children’s parade. Their parades are somewhat humorous because when a group goes by (for example a musical band, dancing, or whatever) it takes about twenty minutes each time for a new group to begin. There is a lot of waiting. My sister Lisa and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Tomorrow we are going to watch another bull fight. This time the people let the bulls run on the street and those who want to participate will let the bulls chase them. I’m going to watch in my Aunt’s friend’s back yard that has high walls. I would never participate in something like that. These bulls are not speared like the fights at the arena, but they are still angry bulls. After a bull fight at the arena, they use those bulls (after they heal and get better) for the fights on the street. A bull is only allowed to fight in the arena once, then they use the bulls for street and beach fights. Sunday August 12th we will see the bull fight at the beach in Praia.

I hope everyone is doing well at home. Our vacation is almost ending and I am very sad to leave. I have had so much fun! Even if I don’t make it over here again I will have many fond memories to treasure in my heart, and many pictures to look back on. A lot of my relatives live in Cambridge, Ontario Canada and come here to the Azores for the summer. If for some reason I can’t make it back to the Azores I will try to make a trip to see my Tio and Tia in Canada.

August 13. Today was the sunniest and most beautiful day since we arrived. My sisters and my brother went swimming today because today is our last day on the praia. Right now we are all gathered together on the praia to say our final good-byes. Tomorrow we will be leaving for Boston.

Boa Noite (good night)


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Island Fun

August 6th

Today (Monday) we decided to go for a sight-seeing trip as we drove around the island. We stopped at this one swim area in the town of Biscoitos that has small pools of water that were formed by volcanic rocks. It was a really neat swim area but I didn’t have my swim suit with me so I couldn’t go swimming. Instead I put my legs in the water to cool off but that was about it. I’m hoping that on another nice day we can go back and swim.

After looking at all the swim holes we decided to go see the “Algar do Carvao” which is a volcanic pit that is in the center of Terceira Island at around 550m above sea level. We climbed many stairs to the bottom of the volcanic pit. At the bottom of the pit is a small lake. Many plants such as Azorean heather, Azorean holly, and fern are quite common in the pit. Also it is very wet inside the pit. It is very misty and cold. It was such a hot day that the mist felt really good.

August 7th

Today was colder and cloudy so we did not go swimming. Darn! We will have to go another day. Instead tonight we went to see the bull fight at the arena in the town of Angra. The fights were performed by the matadors Joao Salgueiro and Ivan Garcia. In Portugal they do not kill the bulls. They just spear them and make them really angry. There were some parts that were hard for me to watch. There was some blood that creeped me out. But at least I wanted to say “Been there, done that.” I probably will not see another one.

August 8th

I finally went swimming in the lava swimming holes in Biscoitos. It was rainy but I was determined to go swimming anyway (see my picture above).

My family and I are having too much fun! I’m learning a little Portuguese. My relatives laugh at me because my pronunciation is not very good. Oh well, I’m trying. I can’t believe we have been here for over a week already. It’s hard for me to think that I will have to leave soon. I definitely want to come back. I’m hoping next time my husband and daughter will come with me. I think David will like it. It’s not quite like Hawaii, not as hot but it is warm and we have had very little rain for this time of the year.

Ate amanha (until tomorrow),


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Festas and Faith


August 3rd was the first day of the Praia festas. There were a lot of people in town. Many booths and tent restaurants were set up. In the evening there was a street parade. The streets were decorated with lights and the buildings with quilts and flowers. It sort of reminded me of Christmas. The main road was decorated with a red carpet. It was neat! I tell people that I finally walked the “Red Carpet”. Tomorrow we will probably visit other areas of the island.

August 4th we started off the morning visiting the site of a young “saint” named Maria Viera, who was murdered in the area. People come to this site to pray. My uncle Armando told me that many miracles happen at this site. We took some candles to light during our visit. Later this afternoon we went to the town of Angra Do Heroismo. Angra is where they have the bullfight arena, which I hope to attend sometime during my stay. We went to the town garden (Jardim) which starts up on a high hill overlooking the town. The buildings are gorgeous. They are mostly white with red tile roofs.

It is somewhat difficult to obtain internet access so please click on both my favorite links and check out my sisters’ sites. They have different pictures and may write different entries.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

We're Here!

Hi everyone! Well I made the flights to the island of Terceira. It was difficult but with the Lorazapam I survived. Thanks to Dr. N. Today my brothers, sisters, Uncle Armando, and Mom shopped through the town of Praia. I bought myself a new ring to replace the one I had lost. It is beautiful! We did a lot of walking and sight-seeing. The island and beaches are gorgeous. I was able to see the store where my mom met my dad and also the apartment she lived in. I also was able to see the church where my parents said their wedding vows. We had a great time in the town of Praia today. We are becoming quite the Azores Island Girls!



Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pamper Week

Well I'm counting the days! Two more days until we take off to the Azores. I decided this week will be my "pamper" week. You know, I have to look my best for the relatives. Wednesday, July 25 after work I had my teeth cleaned. They feel wonderful! Thank you Jennifer. Thursday, July 26 I decided it was going to be Mother and daughter day. Michelle and I did some looking at the pet stores and then we went out to lunch. Friday, July 27 was the best day yet. My older sister Dorothy and I went to my sister's salon, Renaldo & Company in Silverdale, and had our hair colored, cut, and styled by my younger sister Lisa. After having our hair done Dorothy and I both had our feet pedicured by the one and only "The" Tony Milan II. I've never had a pedicure and a foot and leg massage before in my life. It was the most relaxing two hour process I have ever had. Tony is awesome! Thank you Tony! I will be back for more of your services.

My anxiety level increases as the day gets closer to take-off, but I'm trying really hard to focus on the destination of our beautiful island and meeting the relatives for the first time.

Boa Noite,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Azores Islands. Where are they?

The Azores islands are located on the Atlantic Ocean about two hour flying time from Lisbon Portugal and about five hour flying time from the east coast of North America. The Azores Islands have a moderate climate.

The nine islands of the Azores are divided into three groups. The Eastern Group of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria. The Central Group of Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, and the Western Group of Flores and Corvo.

The Azores is on the horizon of the Atlantic. Our island is Terceira located 90 miles off of Sao Miguel and 66 miles off of Faial. The town we will be staying at is Praia da Victoria. This city is a town with one of the most inviting beaches, churches, and chapels.

I am starting to get very excited for this trip. I am now making a list of items to bring because I don't want to forget anything back home especially my passport. I am still saving as much money as I can. I'm bringing an almost empty suit case so I can go shopping and bring items back. My sister Lisa says, " What they have to offer in the Azores is unlike anything you can find here in the states." I'm eager to see exactly what they have.