Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Time is Near

Well it's almost here. I now have my passport and plane ticket on hand. As of July 31st I'll be heading to the Azores, which are a group of Portuguese islands off of Portugal, with my Mom and siblings. I am excited and nervous at the same time. This will be my first trip overseas so I am very anxious. Thanks for Lorazepam! It will help me through the flight. I am sad to leave my husband and daughter behind but my husband encouraged me to go because it will probably be the first and last time I will be able to explore my cultural heritage.

Mom: Felisbela Maria daSilva - One of the most beautiful women inside and out that I have ever known.

Dad: Donald Merle Lund - A tall handsome man, a father who inspired his children with his wisdom, music, and poetry.

My father was in the U.S. Military, stationed at Lajes Air force base in Terceira. Mom and Dad were married in the town of Praia, on the island of Terceira in the Azores. They said their vows in the Matriz Catholic Church on April 30, 1956. They lived in Terceira for about a year and moved to the United States to start their new life together.